During severe depression something people take solace in the idea that they could end it all but a majority of people never act upon it due to religious views, support systems, family commitments or the knowledge that the depression will pass. Sometimes the emotional pain becomes seemingly so unbearable the idea of suicide leads to action.

Normally, the person thinks family members would be better off without them because they are a burden. The depression feeds into negative thoughts that feel like truths like “you are worthless” or “you will never amount to anything”. They can not see beyond the reality that the depression is projecting. The current depression is all consuming and the future looks like a dystopia.

A person with severe depression usually isolates themselves to the point that they feel there is no one to turn too.

They have anhedonia, a loss of pleasure in things and activities, so what normally would make them happy and pull them out of the depression. They loss the ability to concentrate and the world is just a blur and they are unable to make logical and informed decisions. They are afraid to ask for help or are embarrassed that they cannot cope with things on their own. The darkness seems for engulfing that they can not look up to see the sun. The all-encompassing nature of depression makes it hard to untangle from it on their own.

Some Warning Signs of a Pending Attempt:

  • feeling hopeless
  • feeling intolerable emotional pain related to depression
  • having an abnormal fascination w/ death and dying or talking about suicide or dying
  • having mood swings from happy to sad
  • increased irritability
  • talking about issues related to anger, guilt or shame
  • have an increase in anxiety
  • experiencing changes in personality, routine, or sleeping patterns
  • Decrease in hygiene
  • Unable to get out of bed
  • personality changes
  • an increase or recent usage of drugs and alcohol
  • engaging in risky behavior that could lead to an accidental death
  • putting their affairs in order like giving away important possessions
  • resolving issues or staying goodbye to people
  • gathering means to commit suicide
  • increased isolation
  • feeling they are a burden to others
  • seeming to be unable to experience pleasurable emotions from normally pleasurable activities
  • negative thoughts like “I’m useless.” or “Everyone would be better off if I was not here.”
  • relationship issues
  • bullying
  • trauma

Please seek help, if you or someone you know is suicidal.  Assistance can be provided at your local ER or mental health facility.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is always open. You can reach a trained counselor at 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255) or chat online at  https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

Text the Crisis Support line at 741741

Written by: Karen Limme, LPC-Intern

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