Have you been having trouble losing weight? Well there’s this new diet plan in town that’s available where you can eat amazing food and still lose a bunch of weight. I didn’t believe it when I heard of it but when I tried it myself I lost 30lbs in 2 months.

Now that I have your attention, let me tell you about it. It’s called the Keto(LCHF-Low Carb High Fat Diet). What is it? A diet that’s high on fat and protein and low on carbs(60-70% Fats, 25-35% Proteins and 5% Carbs). So now what can you eat? A day’s meal for me would be: Breakfast- a double egg omlette with cheese and a side of bacon. Lunch- A pork cutlet or chicken breast cooked in oil/butter with a creamy cheesy sauce and for dinner something on the same lines.

What happens to your body? Our body uses carbs as the main form of energy. On depriving it of carbs, it is forced to switch to ketosis, a process where its essentially using all the body fat as the primary source of energy to function.

Sounds amazing doesn’t it? Well, the sad part is you have to keep off the carbs. That means no soda, sugar, chocolates, pasta, noodles, pastries etc. The side effects are mostly restricted to the first 3 days to 2 weeks and include indigestion, joint pains, constipation, increased urination, gallstones and some hair loss. You can treat these with drinking lots of water and electrolytes an increasing the fiber content of your diet and supplementing your vitamins.

Now, the good part: you lose tons of weight, have increased energy, decreased dyspepsia, better control of your sugar and cholesterol, normalizes hunger and improves mental focus.

So try this new diet and see the changes for yourself! I sure did!

From: Contributor

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