Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Symptoms and Treatments

The term gender dysphoria “is defined by strong, persistent feelings of identification with another gender and discomfort with one’s own assigned gender and sex; to qualify for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, these feelings must cause significant distress or impairment.” (Psychology Today, 2019)

Gender dysphoria as you can imagine can be challenging for the individual going through it and also the individuals family and peers. It is common for people who suffer from gender dysphoria to feel isolated and depressed, because of how misunderstood they feel.

Common signs of gender dysphoria in children, adolescents, and adults can be:

  • A strong desire to be of the other gender
  • A strong desire to be treated as the other gender
  • A firm conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender
  • Identifying more with the other gender
  • Strong rejection activities usual of one’s assigned gender
  • A strong dislike of one’s sexual anatomy
  • A strong desire for the physical sex characteristics that match one’s experienced gender

Those who suffer from gender dysphoria use a variety of treatments to help ease their symptoms. According to WebMD, “the goal is not to change how the person feels about his or her gender. Instead, the goal is to deal with the distress that may come with those feelings.” (WebMD, 2018)

Many people work through feelings of dysphoria with the help of a trained therapist or counselor. Individuals who wish to take hormones and/or pursue surgery to align physical characteristics with their gender better may find feelings of dysphoria begin to ease as they take these steps. These steps are offered after a year of therapy after making sure this is the best route. Some may merely live as their true gender without hormones or surgery.

Many individuals legally change their name and gender marker to reflect their true gender, and for many individuals, it may be the case that being socially recognized as a member of their actual gender and being addressed by the correct pronouns helps to ease feelings of dysphoria.


American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition

National Institutes of Health—National Library of Medicine

“Gender Dysphoria.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, www.psychologytoday.com/us/conditions/gender-dysphoria.

“Gender Dysphoria: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment.” WebMD, WebMD, www.webmd.com/sex/gender-dysphoria.

If you think that you or your child might be struggling with symptoms of gender dysphoria, please contact us at 469-714-0006 or by emailing info@exulthealthcare.com. We offer compassionate services for all ages and are committed to your emotional health.

Written by Aly Bowles – Social Media Coordinator

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What Treatments Do Psychiatrists Use?

Treatment Types:

Psychotherapy is often the first step with patients. From there, a psych eval will be done and it will be determined if the patient would benefit from a medication plan.

Class of Medications:

  • Antidepressants – used to treat depression, panic disorder, PTSD, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder and eating disorders
  • Antipsychotic medications – used to treat psychotic symptoms (delusions and hallucinations), schizophrenia, bipolar disorder
  • Sedatives and anxiolytics – used to treat anxiety and insomnia
  • Hypnotics – used to induce and maintain sleep
  • Mood stabilizers – used to treat bipolar disorder
  • Stimulants – used to treat ADHD


These medications can “help correct imbalances in brain chemistry that are thought to be involved in some mental disorders.” Psychiatrists are one of the few mental health providers that can prescribe medication and are usually a necessary piece of long-term medication management for mental health issues.


Source: “What is Psychiatry?” American Psychiatric Association

Gabby Lundy, Exult Healthcare



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Mental Health & Chronic Illness: Selena Gomez

Last Wednesday, pop singer and television producer, Selena Gomez was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. She is told to have suffered a panic attack after a recent health setback related to her two recent hospitalizations for “low blood cell count” post-kidney transplant. Gomez has Lupus and underwent a kidney transplant in September of 2017 because of Lupus-related complications.

Selena Gomez has been open about her struggles with Lupus–a chronic illness that causes –and with mental health since 2015. Early in 2018, Gomez received outpatient psychiatric treatment to address anxiety. However, Gomez is not the only person whose mental health has suffered as a result of dealing with a chronic illness.

Chronic Illness and Depression

Chronic illnesses of all kinds can cause or worsen depression in the following ways:

  • Increased feelings of isolation
    • Taking off more time from work, school & social events for treatment and self-care
    • Feeling like no one understands your condition
  • Increased fatigue in some chronic illnesses may make depression-related fatigue worse
  • Inflammation symptoms (in some chronic illnesses such as Lupus) which have some evidence pointing to causing or worsening depression
  • Enhanced life, work, financial, and relationship stressors as a result of the chronic illness

Taking control of your mental health can be one piece of dealing with a chronic illness and your overall health. Doctor Heals Mind has a variety of treatments available for depression and other mental health issues. Please check out our depression treatment page to find a solution that best fits your needs.

Source: “Selena Gomez’s Hospitalization Highlights a Problem With The Way We Treat Chronic Illness and Mental Health” by Julia Metraux, The Mighty via Yahoo! LifeStyle

By: Gabby Lundy, Exult Healthcare

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Who Can Help Treat My Depression?

Mental health treatment can be found from a variety of professionals, especially for depression. Knowing your own symptoms and needs can help you determine what type of care provider is needed to best treat your depression. You may even see more than one of these professionals at a time to get the best care possible. Let’s break down some differences between these mental health care professionals.

Primary Care Doctors

Your general doctor may be the first person you see to access care. They can:

  • Recommend a behavioral health provider such as a therapist, counselor, psychiatrist, etc.
  • Prescribe and monitor medication
  • Monitor your progress and follow up over time


Psychiatrists have medical degrees (MD) and specific training in mental health conditions. They can:

  • Assess your symptoms to make an informed diagnosis
  • Assess the need for medication
  • Prescribe and monitor medication
  • Provide psychotherapy

Licensed Counselors, Therapist, and Social Workers

All three of these providers have a master’s degree (MS), a doctorate (Ph.D.), or another type of graduate-level certification. They have completed an internship and one (or more) years of supervised practice. They can:

  • Assess your symptoms to make an informed diagnosis
  • Provide talk therapy (also known as counseling)
  • Offer specialized counseling, such as family or marriage therapy


Psychologists have a master’s degree (MS) or a doctorate (Ph.D./PsyD) in psychology. They are not medical doctors nor can they prescribe medication (in most cases). However, they can:

  • Assess your symptoms to make an informed diagnosis
  • Provide talk therapy (also known as counseling)
  • Conduct psychological testing
  • Refer you to a psychiatrist for medication

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners

Psychiatric nurses are register nurses (RN) that also have graduate-level education in mental health. They can:

  • Assess psychiatric conditions
  • Prescribe and monitor medication
  • Follow up with medication management and coordination of care

If you feel like medication may be part of your mental health treatment, Dr. Bhargava, a board-certified psychiatrist, may be able to help. Visit our Depression Treatment page for more information.

If you are more interested in talk therapy, Exult Healthcare has licensed therapists and counselors that have a variety of specialties. They also offer transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment if therapy and medications are not working for you.


Source: https://www.aetna.com/individuals-families/mental-emotional-health/depression-care-providers.html

Gabby Lundy, Exult Healthcare

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Group therapy

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Duis quis iaculis purus, eget mattis urna. Quisque consectetur odio ac ante fermentum malesuada. Nullam eget lectus euismod, rutrum quam quis, venenatis ligula. Integer egestas elit ipsum. Vivamus nec egestas turpis, et semper neque. Pellentesque ac nisl feugiat, blandit mauris ut, sollicitudin quam. Vivamus vestibulum est scelerisque mi tempus fermentum. Vestibulum sed orci cursus, dictum nisl nec, iaculis tellus.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam efficitur rutrum diam, ut commodo ipsum elementum ac. Duis quis iaculis purus, eget mattis urna. Quisque consectetur odio ac ante fermentum malesuada. Nullam eget lectus euismod, rutrum quam quis, venenatis ligula. Integer egestas elit ipsum. Vivamus nec egestas turpis, et semper neque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam efficitur rutrum diam, ut commodo ipsum elementum ac. Duis quis iaculis purus, eget mattis urna. Quisque consectetur odio ac ante fermentum malesuada. Nullam eget lectus euismod, rutrum quam quis, venenatis ligula. Integer egestas elit ipsum. Vivamus nec egestas turpis, et semper neque. Pellentesque ac nisl feugiat, blandit mauris ut, sollicitudin quam. Vivamus vestibulum est scelerisque mi tempus fermentum. Vestibulum sed orci cursus, dictum nisl nec, iaculis tellus.

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Conquer depression

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Couples therapy

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